
Average score 154 Reviews
Anjhani noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Restaurant near the Eiffel tower. Friendly staff and owner and delicious food. But unfortunately the restaurant owner is not fluent in English (Original) Restaurant yang dekat dari Eiffel tower. Staff dan owner yang ramah dan makanan yang enak. Tapi sayangnya pemilik restaurant tidak fasih bahasa Inggris

1 year ago
Anjhani noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Restaurant near the Eiffel tower. Friendly staff and owner and delicious food. But unfortunately the restaurant owner is not fluent in English (Original) Restaurant yang dekat dari Eiffel tower. Staff dan owner yang ramah dan makanan yang enak. Tapi sayangnya pemilik restaurant tidak fasih bahasa Inggris

1 year ago
Anjhani noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Restaurant near the Eiffel tower. Friendly staff and owner and delicious food. But unfortunately the restaurant owner is not fluent in English (Original) Restaurant yang dekat dari Eiffel tower. Staff dan owner yang ramah dan makanan yang enak. Tapi sayangnya pemilik restaurant tidak fasih bahasa Inggris

1 year ago
Anjhani noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Restaurant near the Eiffel tower. Friendly staff and owner and delicious food. But unfortunately the restaurant owner is not fluent in English (Original) Restaurant yang dekat dari Eiffel tower. Staff dan owner yang ramah dan makanan yang enak. Tapi sayangnya pemilik restaurant tidak fasih bahasa Inggris

1 year ago
Anjhani noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Restaurant near the Eiffel tower. Friendly staff and owner and delicious food. But unfortunately the restaurant owner is not fluent in English (Original) Restaurant yang dekat dari Eiffel tower. Staff dan owner yang ramah dan makanan yang enak. Tapi sayangnya pemilik restaurant tidak fasih bahasa Inggris

1 year ago
Anjhani noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Restaurant near the Eiffel tower. Friendly staff and owner and delicious food. But unfortunately the restaurant owner is not fluent in English (Original) Restaurant yang dekat dari Eiffel tower. Staff dan owner yang ramah dan makanan yang enak. Tapi sayangnya pemilik restaurant tidak fasih bahasa Inggris

1 year ago
Anjhani noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Restaurant near the Eiffel tower. Friendly staff and owner and delicious food. But unfortunately the restaurant owner is not fluent in English (Original) Restaurant yang dekat dari Eiffel tower. Staff dan owner yang ramah dan makanan yang enak. Tapi sayangnya pemilik restaurant tidak fasih bahasa Inggris

1 year ago
Anjhani noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Restaurant near the Eiffel tower. Friendly staff and owner and delicious food. But unfortunately the restaurant owner is not fluent in English (Original) Restaurant yang dekat dari Eiffel tower. Staff dan owner yang ramah dan makanan yang enak. Tapi sayangnya pemilik restaurant tidak fasih bahasa Inggris

1 year ago
Anjhani noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Restaurant near the Eiffel tower. Friendly staff and owner and delicious food. But unfortunately the restaurant owner is not fluent in English (Original) Restaurant yang dekat dari Eiffel tower. Staff dan owner yang ramah dan makanan yang enak. Tapi sayangnya pemilik restaurant tidak fasih bahasa Inggris

1 year ago
Anjhani noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Restaurant near the Eiffel tower. Friendly staff and owner and delicious food. But unfortunately the restaurant owner is not fluent in English (Original) Restaurant yang dekat dari Eiffel tower. Staff dan owner yang ramah dan makanan yang enak. Tapi sayangnya pemilik restaurant tidak fasih bahasa Inggris

1 year ago

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