
Average score 154 Reviews
David Callens noted on Google

6 months ago
Erd Gin noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Three of us ate around 12 p.m. in this brasserie. It doesn't look much from the outside but is very comfortable and warm. We were very surprised by the very reasonable prices knowing that we are a stone's throw from the Trocadéro. The service was great, the waiter and manager constantly made sure we didn't miss anything and the food was very good! I had a fish & chips and my friends a hamburger which we recommend!! (Original) Nous avons mangé aux alentours de 12h à trois dans cette brasserie. Elle ne paye pas de mine de l'extérieur mais est très confortable et chaleureuse. Nous avons été très surpris par les prix très corrects sachant qu'on est à deux pas du Trocadéro. Le service était super, le serveur et la gérante s'assuraient sans cesse que nous ne manquions de rien et les plats étaient très bons ! J'ai pris un fish&chips et mes amis un hamburger que nous recommandons !!

6 months ago
Ester Visús noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good food and service!! (Original) Muy buena comida y servicio!!

6 months ago
Yoann Dufour noted on Google

8 months ago
Sébastien Thiel noted on Google

Very nice owners and great food!

8 months ago
Алексей Мироненко noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Delicious (Original) Очень вкусно

8 months ago
Adrian Constantin noted on Google

8 months ago
Gurlony noted on Google

Amazing food and even more amazing service and friendliness. Recommend anytime!

8 months ago
Naranja Iguazu noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Superb moment of emotion at the Tchin tchin bar, I and my friends had an unforgettable time in this establishment with very friendly staff. We had countless laughs which the waiter started, I highly recommend chatting with him, he will brighten your day. The decoration is pleasant, especially the fish which will welcome you as soon as you enter (Aka sushi). I also advise against ordering it since it will not satisfy your needs, it is not on the menu and subsequent customers would be disappointed not to come across it and take advantage of its pleasant presence and its pretty little face. We look forward to making you want to open the door of this exceptional restaurant. (Original) Superbe moment d'émotion à l'étrier d'or Tchin tchin bar, nous avons, moi et mes amis, passé un moment inoubliable au sein de cet établissement au personnel fort sympathique. Nous avons eu d'innombrables fous rires dont le serveur est à l'origine, je vous recommande vivement de discuter avec lui, il saura égayer votre journée. La décoration est agréable notamment le poisson qui vous accueillera dès votre entrée (Aka sushi). Je déconseille par ailleurs de le commander puisqu'il ne comblera pas votre, il n'est pas sur la carte et que les clients suivants seraient désappointé de ne pas croiser profiter de son agréable présence et de sa jolie petite mine. Au plaisir de vous avoir donné envie de pousser la porte de se restaurant d'exception.

8 months ago
Martina noted on Google

(Translated by Google) A perfect little restaurant, very cozy and the staff really deserves praise. Kind, fast, accommodating, for ten (Original) Savršen mali restorančic, vrlo ugodan a osoblje zbilja za svaku pohvalu. Ljubazni, brzi, susretljiva, ma za desetku

8 months ago

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