
Average score 154 Reviews
Mariana Martins noted on Google

Amazing food!

1 year ago
françoise HERVE noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Dishes (Original) Plats

1 year ago
Ulrich Oppliger noted on Google

(Translated by Google) We were looking for a place to have a drink and accidentally chose the Tchin Tchin Bar. From the outside, the restaurant is rather inconspicuous. We really enjoyed our visit to this small neighborhood restaurant. The drinks were carefully prepared and the service was very friendly and attentive. We hadn't expected that. (Original) Wir suchten ein Lokal um etwas kleines zu Trinken und haben zufälligerweise die Tchin Tchin Bar ausgesucht. Von Aussen her ist das Lokal eher unscheinbar. Der Besuch in diesem kleinen Quartierrestaurant hat uns aber sehr gefallen. Die Getränke waren sorgfältig zubereitet und der Service war sehr freundlich und aufmerksam. Das hatte wir so nicht erwartet.

1 year ago
Corentin Varrier (Handy90) noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Come and eat in a calm atmosphere, many dishes for all tastes and not so expensive! (Original) Venez vous restaurer dans une ambiance calme, de nombreux plats pour tout les goûts et pas si cher !

1 year ago
Rodolphe Pinta noted on Google

(Translated by Google) First of all, I would like to say that the Tchin Tchin is revolutionizing the concept of bars in the 16th arrondissement. It's a place where you obviously have to live well, the welcome is warm, you feel at home! The little goldfish in the bar (aka Sushi) is always smiling and caring! The setting is a real journey through time (although we don't really know in what year, but hey.) I highly recommend! (Original) Tout d'abord je tiens à dire que le Tchin Tchin révolutionne le concept des bars du 16ème. C'est un endroit où il faut évidemment bon vivre, l'accueil est chaleureux, on s'y sent comme à la maison ! Le petit poisson rouge du bar (aka Sushi) est toujours souriants et bienveillant ! Le cadre est un véritable voyage dans le temps (bien qu'on ne sache pas vraiment en quelle année, mais bon.) Je conseille vivement !

1 year ago
Neri Martinez noted on Google

Good food. Nice place, clean toilets. It's a basic menu, really tasty and it's cheap taking into account that this zone is really touristic. I would recommend this place to have lunch or dinner

1 year ago
Cornel Troian noted on Google

1 year ago
cynthia turki noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very welcoming brasserie, very good service with chips and peanuts. We're not used to it anymore! Great ! Thank you so much (Original) Brasserie trés accueillante , trés bon service avec Chips et cacahuétes. On n'a plus l'habitude ! Super ! Merci beaucoup

1 year ago
Elena García Arrebola noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very attentive and pleasant staff, very good prices! (Original) Personal muy atento y agradable, precios muy buenos!!

1 year ago
Eva Djabri noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Relaxed atmosphere, ideal for a short coffee break. Special mention to the small heart pattern in the cream coffee foam :) (Original) Ambiance détendue, idéal pour faire une petite pause café. Mention spéciale au petit motif cœur dans la mousse du café crème :)

1 year ago

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